FAQ sur les produits

Oster® Chill & Filter

The fan is running on the unit.

The chilling system is on. The fan will run when the unit is chilling and comes on each time new water is added or the water needs to be chilled. To quiet the unit, turn the chill knob to OFF.

The filter life lights will not reset back to white.

The filter has not been installed correctly. See page 11 for instructions on Replacing the filter.

The unit takes a long time to cool.

The system has some mineral build-up. Do not place near any heated items. The system needs the semi-annual cleaning. See page 12 for instructions for the semi-annual.

The water is not chilled.

The system Chill knob is turned to OFF. The system needs more time to chill the water. Switch large Chill knob to ON. Give the system time to chill the water when new water is added or "Chilled" is selected - approximately 5 hours. The blue Chill light located on the top of the unit will come on when the water is properly chilled.

The white filter life lights are disappearing.

The filter is in use and losing life. The white lights will disappear as the filter is used, when the light turns to red, it is time to change the filter. See page 11 for instructions on replacing the filter. The filter life lights are red. The filter needs to be replaced. See page 11 for instructions on replacing the filter.

Water is leaking from the bottom of the unit.

The dual drain plug is not in place. Ensure the dual drain plug is in place in the bottom of the unit.

Water is leaking from the top of the unit.

The unit was over filled. Remove the fill cap and top cover and soak up extra water that is over the fill line with a towel.

I am turning my unit on, but it won't come on.

Make sure it is plugged in and you are turning the main power button in the back of the unit on.

I have a question about my filter.

Please click here for any questions about your filter.

My water does not taste or look clean.

The system was not primed when a new filter was added. The red filter lights are on and the filter needs replaced. See page 8 or under the cover for instructions on Priming the System with a New Filter. See page 11 for instructions on Replacing the Filter.

My water is chilled and I wanted it room temperature.

Ensure that the Chill Knob is turned to 'Chill Off.'

My water is running slow and I still have filter life.

The system has some mineral build-up. Filter needs replaced. The red filter lights are on and the filter needs replaced. The system needs the semi-annual cleaning. See page 12 for instructions for the semi-annual cleaning. Try a new filter to improve water flow. See page 11 for instructions on Replacing the Filter.

No water will dispense and the water reservoirs are empty.

The PUR® filter cap is improperly installed. No filter is in place. Fill the system by pouring water into the fill area under the fill cap with blue ring. Properly place the filter cap. Install filter.

The blue Chill light is blinking.

The unit is chilling. The blue Chill light will pulse while the unit is chilling the water. When the light is solid, water is properly chilled.

Filter cap is difficult to Remove.

Pressure built up in system Unplug. Position over sink. Remove drain plug to drain water from system. Replace drain plug, then remove filter cap.